Dr. Emre Özgür'ün İnternet Sayfası
- ÖZGÜR, E., "Environmental analysis of Turkish upstream petroleum sector", International of Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology,
Vol: 28 Issue: 4 pg. 479-485, 2021(pdf.)
- "21. Yüzyılda Petrol ve Doğal Gaz Mühendisliği", Gazi Kitabevi, 2020 (Kitap Kapağı)
- ÖZGÜR, E., "Ham Petrol ve Doğalgaz Üretiminin Depremle İlişkisi, Türkiye Örneği",
Türkiye IV. Bilimsel ve Teknik Petrol Kongresi, 18-20 Kasım 2020 (pdf.)
- ÖZGÜR, E., "Arama ve Üretim Petrol Sektöründe Geliştirilmiş Petrol Üretiminin Rolü, Türkiye Örneği",
MTA Dergisi, Cilt: 158 sayfa: 295-301, 2019 (pdf.)
- KÖK, M.V., ÖZGÜR, E., "Characterization of lignocellulose biomass and model compounds by thermogravimetry",
Energy Sources Part A – Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, Vol : 39 Issue : 2 pg. 134-139, 2017 (pdf.)
- ÖZGÜR, E., "Petrol Rezervuarlarında Uygulanan Üçüncül Üretim Yöntemleri ve Türkiye İçin Öneriler",
Petrol Mühendisleri Odası Yayınları, 2017 (pdf.)
- KÖK, M.V., ÖZGÜR, E., "Combustion Performance and Kinetics of Oil Shales", Energy Sources Part A – Recovery, Utilization
and Environmental Effects, Vol : 38 Issue : 8 pg. 1039-1047, 2016 (pdf.)
- ÖZGÜR, E., "Upstream Petroleum Law and Activities in Turkey", Energy Policy, Vol: 88, pg. 131-137, 2016 (pdf.)
- KÖK, M.V., ÖZGÜR, E., "Combustion Properties of Biomass Samples: Statistical Approach" presented at the 4th
International Renewable Energy and Environment Conference - IREEC, Prague – Czech Republic, 4-6 June 2015
- KÖK, M.V., ÖZGÜR, E., "Thermal Analysis and Non-isothermal Kinetics of Cellulose, Using Thermogravimetry", presented at
World Bioenergy, Jönköping-Sweden, 3-5 June 2014
· ÖZGÜR, E. Doktora Tezi, 2014 (pdf.)
· KÖK, M.V. and ÖZGÜR, E., “Thermal Analysis and Kinetics of Biomass Samples”, Fuel Processing Technology,Vol: 106,
pg. 739-743, 2013 (pdf.)
· ÖZGÜR, E., MILLER, B.G., MILLER, S.F., KÖK, M.V., “Thermal Analysis of Co-firing of Oil Shale and Biomass Fuels”, Oil Shale,
Vol: 29, No: 2 pg. 190-201, 2012 (pdf.)
· ÖZGÜR, E., KÖK, M.V., MILLER, B.G., MILLER, S.F., “Thermal Analysis of Oil Shale and Biomass Fuels”, presented at the
18th International Petroleum and Natural
Gas Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, Sheraton Hotel, Ankara-TURKEY, May
11-13, 2011
· ÖZGÜR, E. "Carbon Dioxide Sequestration into Deep Saline Aquifers:
Assessment of Diffusive and Convective Mechanisms
During Carbon Dioxide Sequestration into
Deep Saline Aquifers", Published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2010
· ÖZGÜR, E., MILLER, B.G., MILLER, S.F., KÖK, M.V., “Co-Combustion
Performance of Oil Shale and Biomass Fuels”, presented at
the 27th Annual International Pittsburgh
Coal Conference, Hilton Hotel, İstanbul-TURKEY, October 11-14, 2010
and Characterization of Solid Fuels by Thermal
Analysis Techniques”, presented at the 32th AICAT Congress on Calorimetry, Thermal Analysis and Applied
Thermodynamics, University of Trieste,
ITALY, May 26-28, 2010
· ÖZGÜR, E. and GÜMRAH, F., “Analytical and Numerical Modeling of CO2
Sequestration in Deep Saline Aquifers”, Energy Sources
Part A – Recovery, Utilization and
Environmental Effects, Vol : 32 Issue : 7 pg. 674-687, 2010
· ÖZGÜR, E. and GÜMRAH, F., “Diffusive and Convective Mechanisms during
CO2 Sequestration in Aquifers”, Energy Sources
Part A – Recovery, Utilization and
Environmental Effects, Vol : 31 Issue : 8 pg. 698-709, 2009
· AKBAŞ, C.Y. and ÖZGÜR, E., “Biodiesel : An alternative fuel in EU and
TURKEY”, Energy Sources Part B – Economics, Planning
and Policy, Vol : 3 Issue : 3 pg. 243-250,
· ÖZGÜR, E. and GÜMRAH, F. “Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in Deep Saline
Aquifers”, presented at the 16th International
Petroleum and Natural Gas Congress and
Exhibition of Turkey, Ankara – Turkey, May 29-31, 2007
· ÖZGÜR, E. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2006